Streik an Privatschulen
Chengdu: Über 1.000 LehrerInnen streikten Anfang November 2009 vier Tage lang - bis die staatlichen Stellen die Leitung dieser privaten Schulen kommisarisch übernahmen.
"A monumental strike by about 1,000 teachers from three privately-owned primary and secondary schools ended Monday, November 9, when the government intervened and temporarily took over management at one of the schools. The teachers began their strike Thursday, November 5, with the support of many students and parents, for improvement of teachers’ salaries, benefits, work conditions, and school facilities. Although the teachers have gone back to work, they are still negotiating with the owners, now through the arbitration of the government and with input from parents" - so beginnt der Artikel "Teachers’ strike ends in Chengdu von husunzi vom 9. November 2009.